SCHOOL TIME: The ABC’s of Adolescent Skin and Skincare - Sweet Bee Naturals

SCHOOL TIME: The ABC’s of Adolescent Skin and Skincare

Think back to when you were a kid for a moment, and the world was your oyster.  We often did things without considering the consequences to our body or our parents blood pressure levels.  While a significant number of us have literal scrapes and battle scares from our youth, it’s amazing to consider that most of us came out of our care-fee adolescents completely intact because of our marvelous skin.  With another school year around the corner, let’s go back to school, just for a moment.  What makes the skin of our young ones different than that of adults, and what can we do to help?  Class is in session!   

Thickness and Sensitivity

In general, children's skin is thinner and more sensitive than adult skin. The epidermis (outer layer) and dermis (inner layer) are less developed, making it more prone to irritation and damage and a higher risk of transepidermal water loss (TEWL).  Connected to this is sebum (natural oil) production, which is lower in children.  This reduces the natural protection and moisture their skin receives and can result in drier skin compared to adults.

Healing and Immune Response

There is a reason so many chase the fountain of youth when it comes to skin.  It is a fact that children's skin heals faster and regenerates more quickly due to higher collagen production and better blood flow.  However, the immune response of children's skin is less mature, which means their skin can react more strongly to allergens and irritants.  While each child is different, it is important to take any abnormal skin behavior, whether it is redness, rashes, bites, inflamed areas, etc. seriously.   

What to Do:

While there is no shortage of products that are marketed specifically for children, much of the same advice given to adults certainly applies to our young ones as well.  

  • Use mild, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic products made with natural ingredients.
  • Keep skincare routines simple and avoid using too many products, which can overwhelm children's sensitive skin.
  • Apply sunscreen, preferably mineral-based, when your child is exposed to the sun, especially for extended periods of time.  
  • Always perform a patch test before using a new product to ensure it does not cause an allergic reaction or irritation.
  • Limit bath time to avoid drying out the skin. Use lukewarm water instead of hot water and after bathing, gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel instead of rubbing, which can cause irritation.
  • Ensure children stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as hydration from within is important for skin health.

At Sweet Bee Naturals, not only are we passionate about your skincare, all of us are parents too…which means we are also passionate about the skincare of our children.  One of our goals in creating Sweet Bee Magic, an all-in-one natural and certified organic skin balm made by nature is to ensure your entire family maintains healthy skin.  Come check out our assortment of products at our website (…class dismissed!